Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 24 - of Project 365 - 14 years Today!

 Coming through the door tonight with my son's medicine in one hand
and a big surprise in the other hand was the love of my life. :)

As he handed me a giant boquet of white and yellow daisies (my favorite) - he said -
"14 years ago today I woke up with a huge smile on my face."
(14 years ago and a day He met me for the second time, we went on our first date and the rest is history!)

You see, WE officially met when I was 20 - but as he tells it - He actually remembers seeing me for the first time when he and his buddy Troy pulled into the Total gas station in Hemlock (the old hang out) on my 16th birthday. 

He was in his old '78 Ford pickup truck (and had a girlfriend!) -
And I had eyes for another boy -

 But thankfully, the Lord know's what he's doing!  Because a short 4 years later and I only had eyes for him when he pulled up in that same old truck at the Township office where his sister and I worked together. 
He asked me out that night...I said "yes" :)
And we still smile at when we hear that song...
"Unanswered prayers"
and Thank God for our's! :)

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